Inglés Intermedio
Lección 15
Comprensión Oral

 Janet Castrejon
Conozca a la Maestra



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Inglés Intermedio
Lección 15 - Weather (El Tiempo)

En Esta Página


Lectura en Inglés

Repaso de Palabras Claves
flight - vuelo
delay - atraso, atrasar
due to - debido a
renovate - renovar


Lee el pronóstico del tiempo del periódico.

The News Gazette

Thursday, May 1st - 25 cents

The National Weather Forecast

MapYou can expect rain and cooler temperatures today in the Northeast with highs in the upper 60s. In the Southeast there might be tornados, so watch out. In the Midwest there is a 70% chance of thunderstorms. In the South it'll be hot and sunny. In the Northwest they're expecting snow and cooler temperatures today. In the North it'll be windy again today with extremely cold temperatures. In the Southwest it'll be party cloudy and warmer today.

International Weather

London - cloudy
high 60 F - low 52 F

Paris - party cloudy
high 63 F - low 49 F

Madrid - sunny
high 96 F - low 83 F

Mexico City - sunny
high 94 F - low 81 F

Tokyo - rainy
high 50 F - low 43 F

Buenos Aires - windy
high 72 F - low 66 F

Toronto - snowy
high 25 F - low 18 F

The Travel Report

BoletosExpect flight delays in the midwest due to the storms rolling into the area this afternoon. The Miami airport will be closed because of high winds and the possibility of tornados. Be careful if you're driving in the Northwest because roads have been very icy. If you fly into Chicago's O'Hare airport, plan some extra time to find your gate. They're renovating Terminals 1 and 2.

Weather Trivia Contest

PreguntaThe News Gazette newspaper is sponsoring a weather trivia contest. We'll print the answer in tomorrow's weather page.

What is the hottest city in the world?


Selecciona la descripción del tiempo en cada región basada en el mapa.


In the Northwest it will be

In the Southwest it will be

In the North it will be

In the South it will be

In the Northeast it will be

In the Southeast there might be

In the Midwest there will be


Do you know what the answer to the trivia question is?

What is the hottest city in the world?


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