Inglés Avanzado
Lección 12
Comprensión Oral

 Janet Castrejon
Conozca a la Maestra



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Inglés Avanzado
Lección 12 - Health (La Salud)

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Repaso de Palabras Claves
kit - botiquín
damage - dañar
expiration - expiración
expire - expirar
gauze - gasa
compress dressings - venda en rollo   
gloves - guantes
tweezers - pinzas
splinter - astilla
earthquake - terremoto
flood - inundación
hurricane - huracán
supply - suministro; suministrar
non-perishable - no perecederos
flashlight - linterna
crank - manivela
sanitation - saneamiento
personal hygiene - higiene personal   
fireproof - a prueba de fuego
glove compartment - guantera
charger - cargador


How to make an emergency kit
(Cómo surtir un botiquín para emergencias)

First Aid Kit

What would you do if you were on the road and had an emergency? Would you have what you need in your car? You should have a first aid/emergency kit available wherever you are. Put together one for your home and car and make sure one is available at work or school.

You'll need first aid items in your emergency kit. First aid kits often have medicines. You may want to include aspirin and/or acetaminophen (like Tylenol). You might also want hydrocortisone and an antibiotic ointment (like Neosporin). If you have special medical needs, you may need to keep other medicines on hand. For example, if you have severe allergies, you may need epinephrine. Keep in mind that many medicines can be damaged by heat. Read the label and take it out of your car on hot days. Also check expiration dates periodically and throw away and replace any expired medicines.

Keep a variety of sizes and shapes of bandages in your kit. Don't forget to include gauze, scissors, and compress dressings. Gloves are also a good idea to help protect you from infection. Tweezers can be used to remove splinters. Finally, unless you are a doctor, put a first aid instruction booklet in your kit so you know what to do in an emergency. To find out more detail about what kinds of bandages and other items need to be included in your first aid kit, visit

In addition to first aid items, you'll need to be prepared for other emergencies. What would you do if there's an earthquake, flood, or hurricane and you are isolated and without power? Your highest priority will be food and water. Humans can't survive long without drinking water so make sure and keep an emergency supply in your house and a smaller supply in your car. The Red Cross recommends keeping one gallon per person, per day. You'll need a three-day supply at a minimum. You'll also need to have a supply of emergency non-perishable food (such as canned or boxed food). When planning your emergency foods, keep in mind that you may not be able to cook after a disaster. Plan foods such as nuts that you don't have to cook, rather than rice, which requires cooking.

You'll need other emergency items in your home as well. Since you may be without electricity, you'll need a flashlight and extra batteries and a battery-powered or hand-crank radio (to listen for emergency information). Think of what sanitation and personal hygiene products you'll need if you're stuck in your home for a while. Keep copies of important documents and store the originals in a safe place such as a fireproof box or safe deposit box at the bank. Speaking of banks, after a disaster banks may be closed and ATM (Automated Teller Machines) may not be working. Keep extra cash in your home, especially small bills, and don't travel without cash in your wallet.

You may be in your car when an emergency happens. In addition to your car first aid kit, you'll need some emergency water and food (but not as much as in your home). A few water bottles and snack foods such as granola bars will not take up too much space in your car and yet could help in an emergency. A multi-purpose tool, such as a Swiss Army knife, could be useful in many emergency situations. Some people keep an emergency blanket in their car. They sell compact blankets that can fit in your glove compartment when folded up and yet will keep you warm in an emergency. Finally, make sure you have a car mobile phone charger. You'd hate to be in an isolated place with a dead mobile phone battery.

Spending a little time now to prepare an emergency kit can save your life in a disaster. Take the time to put together a kit and read more about emergency preparation at

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Selecciona "True" (Verdad) o "False" (Falso) para cada oración.

1. You should create an emergency kit for your home and car.

2. Check medicines periodically and replace expired ones.

3. Only doctors can use the first aid kit.

4. According to the article, rice and pasta would be good foods for your emergency kit.

5. Keep a car mobile phone charger in your car.


¿Cuales artículos se mencionaron que se deben incluir en un botiquín para emergencias?

1) medicines
2) bandages
3) gauze
4) scissors
5) compress dressings    
6) hair dryer
7) gloves
8) tweezers
9) food
10) candy
11) microwave oven
12) water 
13) beer
14) First Aid instruction booklet 
15) flashlight
16) extra batteries
17) battery-powered or hand-crank radio
18) television
19) copies of important documents
20) cash
21) credit cards
22) multi-purpose tool
23) high-heel shoes
24) emergency blanket
25) computer
26) car mobile phone charger





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