Inglés Intermedio
Lección 16
Comprensión Oral

 Janet Castrejon
Conozca a la Maestra



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Inglés Intermedio
Lección 16 - The Future (El Futuro)

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MOLLY - How do you think technology and computers will change in the future?

JENNY - I saw a news report saying that scientists are working on building tiny molecular-sized robots that will be able to do different things in the future.  It's called nanotechnology.

MOLLY - Really?  What will they be able to do?

JENNY - They might be able to use them in medicine to diagnose diseases and even fix problems inside the body.

MOLLY - A tiny robot that goes into my body?

JENNY - Yeah.  Like a little mechanic.  It could go into your body to detect disease before you even know you're sick.

MOLLY - Wow!  I saw something on TV that said that in the future we might all have computer implants.

JENNY - Computer implants?

MOLLY - Yeah.  You may not even need a computer to surf the internet in the future.  Your implant could convert digital information into signals that your brain could understand. 

JENNY - Wow!  I'd never have to study for a test again.


Escribe las palabras en orden para construir las oraciones correctamente.  Asegúrate de que escribiste correctamente las letras en mayúsculas o minúsculas como corresponde y que escribiste el punto o signo de interrogación al final.  Para corregir haz clic en el botón "Revisar." 

1.  do    they    What    be    will    able    to    ?

2. We    implants    all    computer    have    might    .

3. never    I'd    to    for    study    a    have    again    test    .

4. might    They    be    to    use    medicine    able    them    in    .

5. You    not    computer    even    need    a    may    .



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