Inglés Intermedio
Lección 11
Comprensión Oral

 Janet Castrejon
Conozca a la Maestra



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Inglés Intermedio
Lección 11 - Transportation (Transporte)

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Diálogo en Inglés

The Accident

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Officer Rodriguez – Hi Bob.  Did you talk to all of the witnesses to the car accident?

Officer Atkins – The old lady was standing on the street corner when the accident happened.  She said that it's the red car's fault.  She said that the red car was driving very fast and then quickly stopped when the traffic light changed.

Officer Rodriguez – What did the kids say?

Officer Atkins – The kids were playing in their front yard when they heard the crash.  They say that they didn't see anything.

Officer Rodriguez – Did the neighbors see anything?

Officer Atkins – The neighbor, Mr. Jones, was working in his yard when the accident happened.  He said that he thought he saw a dog run out into the street in front of the car.

Officer Rodriguez – Hmmm.  No one else mentioned a dog.

Officer Atkins – Did you talk to Mr. Bates?

Officer Rodriguez – Mr Bates?

Officer Atkins – Yeah, he's the man who was selling newspapers on the street corner.

Officer Rodriguez – Oh.  Yeah.  He says that it was the blue car's fault. 

Officer Atkins – Really?

Officer Rodriguez – Yeah.  He says that the man in the blue car wasn't paying attention.  When the red car stopped he didn't notice until it was too late.  He hit the red car.

Officer Atkins – Wow!  Did they all see the same accident?  They all remember something different.

Officer Rodriguez – Yeah.  I know.  Pretty strange, huh?  Well, put it all in the report.


Escribe las palabras en orden para construir las oraciones correctamente.  Asegúrate de que escribiste correctamente las letras en mayúsculas o minúsculas como corresponde y que escribiste el punto o signo de interrogación al final.  Para corregir haz clic en el botón "Revisar." 

1.  red The fast driving was car very .

2. standing lady The street old corner was on the .

3. playing kids The yard front were in their .

4. yard the Jones working when Mr. his was in accident happened .

5. He's newspapers street on selling the who man was the corner .



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