Inglés Intermedio
Lección 10
Comprensión Oral

 Janet Castrejon
Conozca a la Maestra



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Inglés Intermedio
Lección 10 - Shopping (Compras)

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Diálogo en Inglés

Buying a Car

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CUSTOMER - This is a beautiful car.

SALESPERSON - Yeah.  It comes with air bags, leather seats, air-conditioning, and a great stereo system.

CUSTOMER - How old is it?

SALESPERSON - It's only five years old.  An elderly lady owned it.  She hardly ever drove it.

CUSTOMER - How much is it? 

SALESPERSON - Only $16,900.

CUSTOMER - Oh. That's too much for me.  I'm a college student.

SALESPERSON - Oh.  I'll make a deal with you.  I'll sell it to you for $15,000.

CUSTOMER - That's still too expensive.  How about $12,000.

SALESPERSON - No.  I can't go that low.  Since you're a student I'll give you a special deal.  $14,000.

CUSTOMER - I don't know.  Let me think about it. 

SALESPERSON - This morning a man offered $16,000 for this car.  He might come back and buy it so you should decide soon.

CUSTOMER - Well.  OK.  I'll take it for $13,000

SALESPERSON - $13,500.

CUSTOMER - It's a deal!


Escribe las palabras en orden para construir las oraciones correctamente.  Asegúrate de que escribiste correctamente las letras en mayúsculas o minúsculas como corresponde y que escribiste el punto o signo de interrogación al final.  Para corregir haz clic en el botón "Revisar." 

1.  car    This    is    beautiful    a    .

2. five    old    It's    only    years    .

3. for    That's    me    too    much    .

4. too    expensive    That's    still    .

5. me    think    Let    it    about    .



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