Inglés Avanzado
Lección 10
Comprensión Oral

 Janet Castrejon
Conozca a la Maestra



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Inglés Avanzado
Lección 10 - Shopping (Compras)

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Diálogo en Inglés

The Lottery

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JANE - This is Channel 7 reporter Jane Larson reporting from the Quicky Mart on the big multi-million dollar jackpot prize in tomorrow's lottery. This is the biggest jackpot ever in lottery history in this state. People are already lined up to buy tickets. Let's talk to some of them. Hello sir.

MAN – Hello.

JANE – How long have you been waiting in line to buy tickets?

MAN – For a half an hour now.

JANE – Wow! What would you do if you won the jackpot?

MAN – First, I'd quit my job. Then I'd buy a big house on the beach with a swimming pool in the back yard. I'd hire a full-time maid to clean the house and a cook to prepare all of the food. I'd buy a new car, maybe a sports car, and I'd buy a big boat. I'd take my friends out fishing every day.

JANE – Well, good luck. What about you ma'am? What would you do with all of the money?

WOMAN – I'd travel around the world. I'd go to Italy first, then Greece. Maybe I'd spend some time in France and England. I'd also travel to Asia, maybe China and Japan. I'd stay in all five-star hotels and eat in expensive restaurants.

JANE – Good luck to you. So if you're going to buy a lottery ticket you'd better hurry. The drawing is tomorrow at 7:00 PM.


Escribe las palabras en orden para construir las oraciones correctamente.  Asegúrate de que escribiste correctamente las letras en mayúsculas o minúsculas como corresponde y que escribiste el punto o signo de interrogación al final.  Para corregir haz clic en el botón "Revisar." 

1. you    long    How    been    to    have    waiting    in    line    tickets    buy    ?

2. jackpot    would    do    you    if    What    won    the    you    ?

3. house    big    I'd    a    on buy    beach    the    .

4. fishing    friends    take    I'd    out    my    every day    .

5. would    What    do    money    all    you    the    with    of    ?



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